Subcategory 15.10
This sub-category authorizes construction work which is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics and which concerns any refrigeration system, in particular those relating to air conditioning, industrial processes and product conservation.
It also authorizes construction work on devices allowing the heating and air conditioning of a forced air system on condition that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.1, 15.1.1, 15.7 or 15.8.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work on devices allowing the heating and air conditioning of a hydronic system on condition that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.4 or 15.4.1.
Finally, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
Additional explanations
This subcategory includes construction work in subcategory 15.9.
This subcategory, without going beyond the regulatory framework , authorizes in particular construction work relating to:
- the construction of cooling towers as part of a refrigeration system
- the installation of chilled water distribution networks (which are not drinking water networks)
- to the installation of air conditioners
- controls and regulation (this work can also fall under sub-category 17.1).
Please note that work relating to air distribution falls under either sub-category 15.7 or sub-category 15.8. Entrepreneurs holding the sub-category 15.1 or 15.1.1 may also perform work relating to the air distribution network when the latter is part of a heating system.
Construction work on an electrical installation is reserved exclusively for contractors or owner-builders with subcategory 16.0.
Work that does not require a license
No license is required for monitoring, inspection, testing and verification work.
Examinations to take:
- Administration, Management and Management
- Safety management on construction sites
- Project and Site Management
- Execution of construction works – 15.10
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